Substring Regex in Javascript

In JavaScript, regular expressions can be used with the substring() method to extract substrings based on specific patterns. Here’s an example of using regular expressions with substring(): javascriptCopy codevar str = “Hello, World!”; var pattern = /Hello/g; var matches = str.match(pattern); if (matches) { var substring = str.substring(matches.index, matches.index + matches[0].length); console.log(substring); // Output: Hello … Read more

Substring Match() Method In Javascript

Substring Match()

If you want to find all substring matches within a string in JavaScript, you can use regular expressions along with the match() method. Here’s an example: var str = “Hello, Hello, Hello!”; var substring = “Hello”; var regex = new RegExp(substring, “g”); var matches = str.match(regex); console.log(matches); // Output: [“Hello”, “Hello”, “Hello”] In this example, … Read more

Substring vs Substr In Javascript

Javascript Substring vs Slice (1)

In JavaScript, the substring() method and substr() method are often compared due to their similarities in functionality. Let’s compare the two methods: Here are examples showcasing the differences between the two methods: Example 1: var str = “Hello, World!”; var substring = str.substring(0, 5); var substr = str.substr(0, 5); console.log(substring); // Output: Hello console.log(substr); // … Read more

Check a String Sontains a Substring in JavaScript? [Two Methods]

To check if a string contains a specific substring in JavaScript, you can use the includes() method or the indexOf() method. Here’s how you can use each method: Using includes() method: var str = “Hello, World!”; var substring = “Hello”; if (str.includes(substring)) { console.log(“Substring found!”); } else { console.log(“Substring not found.”); } In this example, … Read more

Javascript Substring vs Slice

Javascript Substring vs Slice

In JavaScript, both the substring() and slice() methods are used to extract portions of a string. While they have similar functionality, there are a few differences between them: Here are examples of using both methods to extract substrings: var str = “Hello, World!”; var substring = str.substring(0, 5); console.log(substring); // Output: Hello var sliced = … Read more

Remove Last Character | Javascript Substring [Easy Method]

Remove Last Character

To remove the last character from a string using JavaScript’s substring() method, you can specify the desired range of characters to extract. Here’s an example: var str = “Hello, World!”; var substring = str.substring(0, str.length – 1); console.log(substring); // Output: Hello, World In the above code, str.length – 1 is used as the endIndex parameter … Read more

What is Javascript Substring?

Javascript Substring

In JavaScript, the substring() method is used to extract a portion of a string based on specified starting and ending indexes. It returns the extracted substring as a new string. The syntax for the substring() method is as follows: string.substring(startIndex, endIndex) Here’s a breakdown of the parameters: Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of … Read more

Create async function in javascript

Certainly! Here’s an example of creating an asynchronous function in JavaScript using the async and await keywords: javascriptCopy code// Define an async function async function fetchData() { try { // Simulate an asynchronous operation, such as fetching data from an API const response = await fetch(‘’); const data = await response.json(); // Process the retrieved … Read more

How to make post request in Javascript?

To make a POST request in JavaScript, you can use the fetch() function or the XMLHttpRequest object. I’ll provide examples for both approaches: Using fetch(): javascriptCopy code// Create a JSON object with the data to be sent in the request body var data = { username: “john_doe”, password: “secretpassword” }; // Make a POST request … Read more

How to create a map in Javascript?

To create a map (also known as an object) in JavaScript, you can use curly braces {} to define and initialize it. Here’s an example: javascriptCopy code// Create an empty map var myMap = {}; // Add key-value pairs to the map myMap[“key1”] = “value1”; myMap[“key2”] = “value2”; myMap[“key3”] = “value3”; // Access values by … Read more