How Pass PHP Array to Javascript

The PHP array can be used in the javascript function in many ways. But today in this blog we will use the main two ways. The first one is json_encode() and the second one is most common PHP implode() function.

Method 1 : json_encode()

First, define an array into PHP. json_encode() returns the JSON representation of a value.

    $phpArray = array(
        0 => "Zero",
        1 => "One", 
        2 => "Two", 
        3 => "Three", 
        4 => "Four",
        5 => "Five", 
        6 => "Six",
        7 => "Seven",
        8 => "Eight",
        9 => "Nine",
        10 => "Ten"

Now we use PHP array into javascript. Retrieve the array elements using json_encode() and use a loop to print js value.

<script type="text/javascript">

    var jsArray = <?php echo json_encode($phpArray); ?>;

    for(var i=0; i<jsArray.length; i++){


Full code


    // Create an array in PHP 
    $phpArray = array(
        0 => "Zero",
        1 => "One", 
        2 => "Two", 
        3 => "Three", 
        4 => "Four",
        5 => "Five", 
        6 => "Six",
        7 => "Seven",
        8 => "Eight",
        9 => "Nine",
        10 => "Ten"

<script type="text/javascript">

    // Retrieve the PHP array elements using json_encode() into jascript
    var jsArray = <?php echo json_encode($phpArray); ?>;

    // Run a loop to print array value 
    for(var i=0; i<jsArray.length; i++){


Method 2: implode()

In the second method, we use another PHP method implode(). It is used to join array elements with a string. implode() is also known as the PHP join() function and it works similar to that of the join() function.

    // Create an array in PHP 
    $phpArray  = array(
        0 => "Zero",
        1 => "One", 
        2 => "Two", 
        3 => "Three", 
        4 => "Four",
        5 => "Five", 
        6 => "Six",
        7 => "Seven",
        8 => "Eight",
        9 => "Nine",
        10 => "Ten"

<script type="text/javascript">

// Using PHP implode() function
var jsArray = <?php echo '["' . implode('", "', $phpArray) . '"]' ?>;

for(var i=0; i<jsArray.length; i++){


By both the method you will get the same result. I hope this post is helpful for you.